Can the photo community save DP Review?

News & Press


Mar 27, 2023

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Here at Gear Focus, we've always lived by the mantra that if you want to be a great photographer, you'd better go to where the photographers are. It's hard to imagine any budding photo enthusiast realizing their full potential without an amazing community to bounce ideas off of. In the physical world, it's found in photo pits at concerts, scenic sky decks and city meetups. Online, for nearly 25 years, that place has been DP Review. For hobbyists and professionals alike, DP Review has always been a watering hole of deep photography discussion through their popular video reviews and forum. It's where thousands of amateurs grew to be professionals. Where the weekend photographer could have their “basic” questions answered in a loving and compassionate manner without judgment. Over decades, it's become an invaluable paper trail of photographers world wide trying to better their craft together.

As of April 10th that resource is set to be extinct. After 25 years, Amazon has decided to not only divest in the DP Review staff, but to permanently delete the site. We aren’t the only ones to realize this as a dire mistake for the photography community. Many prominent YouTubers have turned to their followers in a last ditch effort to save the site.

Here at Gear Focus, we encourage all our followers to sign the petition below to have Amazon, at the very least, archive the site and have it registered to public domain.  Our thoughts are with the talented DP Review staff and we wish them the best of luck on their next endeavor. 


Sign the petition -→



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