Sell your used camera equipment and video equipment faster, earn more, and expedite the whole process. We market to millions of creatives through numerous channels, so you don't have to. No more listing on multiple channels, following up to update all listings. Once your item sells, we charge the lowest seller rates anywhere of just 5% and only after your item sells. It is entirely free to list as many things as you want.
Snap some good photos, then write a description to give buyers a better idea of what you're selling. The more accurate and thorough your listing is, the less follow-up you will have to do with potential buyers.
Securely pack gear using ample packaging materials to ensure safe arrival. Include inside the package the shipping and listing information. Clearly label package and drop off at your nearest courier.
Once you ship your products, GearFocus can initiate payout anywhere from 1-3 business days after confirmation of receipt.
You Keep
Only 5% transaction fee + 3% payment processing fee
Listing your gear is always free on GearFocus. When your instrument sells, you earn 92% of the selling price. That's the final sale price minus selling fees and payment proces fees.
Free Listings
Secure Transactions
Seller Protection
No Additional Fees
Gear Focus is not only a great marketplace to use for creators to share their unused gear with others, but also a great community to be a part of on YouTube. I have sold multiple things through Gear Focus and their process is easy and simple!
Jack Patmore
I’ve been using Gear Focus for a good while now and it is definitely the place to go for good-quality photographic equipment.
Paul Hancock
Had a great experience working with the team at Gear Focus. They were friendly, responsive, and helpful. And the website was easy to use. We got a great used camera and got it quickly to allow us to start using it right away. Really happy with everything!
Jason Drake
We all have equipment we no longer need and can't seem to part with, and sometimes those gems can get a little dusty! Be sure to clean everything to the best of your ability, removing any surface dust or grime that may have collected over time. Time to bust out the rubbing alcohol, lens wipes, and rocket blower to get your gear ready for some beauty shots. Microfiber cloths, pre-moistened lens wipes, clean hand towels, and brushes with soft bristles are safe for your camera equipment and can be used to remove dust, dirt, and fingerprints. For more cleaning tips, check out How to Get Your Camera Equipment Ready for Sale.
Snap some good photos, then write up a description. Sellers must include pictures of the actual items showing the condition and any scratches or damage. Stock photos will not be accepted for used items. New items can have stock manufacturers' photos and include at least one photo of each item in its original box. Show exactly what you are selling and the item's condition. Still have the original packaging? Great! That can easily boost your listing as it shows you care about and take care of your items. Use the original packaging and pack the gear as closely as possible to the way you received it.
Depending on the condition of your gear, it still might have tons of value. Check the original price to estimate how much your pieces are worth. Our Pricing Guide is an excellent tool for figuring out how the item's condition will change its value, and it will help you get your gear sold quickly and fairly. We base our estimates on similar equipment previously sold on our site, which means you're always getting the best deal available.
Offering free shipping is a great way to get buyers interested. If an item is taking a while to sell, consider lowering your asking price or provide free shipping to sweeten the deal.
5% seller fee - This is the standard seller fee charged to all sales made through Gear Focus. There is no fee for creating a listing, and likewise, there is no fee if your item does not sell. The 5% seller fee applies to the total sale price (including shipping charges) once an item has sold.
Sales Protection
Monitored by Industry Pros
Targets by Market
Closing Fee
Listing Fee
Additional Listing Fee
Payment Processing Fee
Varies per Feature
2.9% + $0.35
-$300.00 - $500.00
$500.00 - $700.00
Gear Focus charges a small fee for every gear transaction within the marketplace. We founded Gear Focus to keep buying and selling gear as profitable as possible for our users. Maximizing your profits is the driving force behind all that we do. We also know that sellers will account for selling fees when pricing their items. Meaning sellers will increase the costs of their listed gear to compensate for the fees they will have to pay inevitably. With lower fees, sellers are more inclined to keep their pricing lower and more competitive. This is why we keep our costs as low as we can. However, we need to charge some level of a fee to keep the site operational. Rest assured, though, Gear Focus' fees are the lowest of any online marketplace!
Your balance is where sellers' earnings from all their sold items are sent and safely stored, regardless of the buyer's payment method. Funds on your balance become available after the item is delivered and marked as received, or 48 hours after the item's delivery time - whichever comes first. Delaying the availability of funds is a common practice in online marketplaces. We implement this to help ensure that Gear Focus is safe and secure for both buyers and sellers. Once funds are available, you can cash out to any major debit card or bank account.
You can even use the funds to purchase items on Gear Focus.