Here at Gear Focus we are extremely excited about our new feature; MAKE AN OFFER!
Our mission statement at Gear Focus is to help feed your passion. We are dedicated to getting the right camera gear into the hands of the creators so that you can go make the work that you are capable of!
The new ability to make an offer as a buyer and review and accept offers as a seller on our website will help with this goal. Helping more creatives purchase the gear that they need at a slightly more affordable rate as well as decreasing the time it takes to sell your gear on the site.
Here is a closer look at the process.
It's simple. Right on the product page on the piece of gear you are looking to buy you now have the choice to either "ADD TO CART" or "Make an Offer". This brings up a very simple and intuitive screen where you can type in your offer price. Shipping costs and the option to send the seller a message along with your offer are also seen here.
Once your offer has been submitted to the seller, they have 48 hours to either accept or deny. And from there the buying and selling experience is the same as it has always been. Safe, reliable, and convenient.
Don't worry this new feature doesn't mean you are going to get flooded with low-ball offers on your prized camera gear. Sellers have the option to enable "Make an Offer". On top of this, they can set their minimum offer price. This will make sure they aren't asked to sell their items for much lower than their value.

Gear Focus is always looking for new way to help feed your passion. So go make an offer on that piece of camera gear that you've been looking at and get to shooting!