Panasonic has released a teaser for their new GH series camera: the Panasonic GH6! Lets take a look at the stats and features and break down their video release.
Spoiler: we are pretty excited for this newest micro four thirds camera to be released later this year!
News on Panasonic GH6
The highly anticipated GH6 has been teased a bit by Panasonic. They released this video highlighting some of the features that will be included in their next release. The Panasonic GH5 (
still one of Gear Focus's favorite cameras) was released in 2017 and is among the top-rated mirrorless cameras over four years later.
New Panasonic Specs
Lets jump right in! Here are the specs of the GH6:
- 10-bit 5.7K 60p
- 4:2:2 10-bit internal 4K60
- 10-bit 4K120
- Venus Engine Processor
- ~$2500 cost

The GH6 is Panasonic's latest addition to the GH-series of mirrorless cameras aimed at video shooters. The 5.7K60 is probably the most anticipated feature, but we also have our eye on the $2500 cost! This would make the camera, in our humble opinion, an incredible deal. We aren't overly shocked by the features that this camera is boasting. However, we are definitely impressed by the relatively low cost that we is being touted.
So Then the Question
So then the question is whether or not you are going to upgrade. If you have a GH5 and have been looking to upgrade, then it would seem this is a no-brainer. Upgrade for the relatively low cost of $2500, and then sell your used GH5 to offset that cost. Selling old gear in order to upgrade to new gear is exactly what Gear Focus is all about! Even if you don't have a GH5 to sell, you can still
sell your used camera to put towards the purchase of a new GH6!Are you planning on buying a a Panasonic GH6 when it releases later this year? Let us know in the comments what you think about the new stats and cost. We'd love to know whether or not you're interested in this new camera!